ashish jayamohan {dot}
about me
i’m ashish jayamohan, a student at uc san diego. i’m interested, broadly, in computer science, mathematics, pure sciences, and the intersection of these fields. recently, i’ve been interested in databases and distributed systems at large.
- apache pinot
- startree (performance manager)
- surface optics (ucsd article feature)
- vie healthcare (acquired by spendmend)
- tread (github)
- implementation and assessment of teamwork in computer science education
- wet lab fluorescence spectroscopy for detection of life in martian soil
- adding zemax transformation and output support for soc-210
- cse 15l lab reports
- project pluto research log
- discrete math
- statistics
- learnings from a year of college
- learnings from a second year of college
- 452 - minimum number of arrows to burst balloons
- 2934 - minimum operations to maximize last elements in arrays